Five of our colleagues from Sport Time participated in the relay race Tipust Topini in Estonia last month, organized by Nike’s distributor for the Baltic countries, Jalajälg. The purpose of the race was not to compete, but to inspire people to move and visit Estonia while running the most beautiful places.
Together with partners from Nike HQ, our colleagues formed the team Scrambled Legs, which collectively ran 337 kilometers. The trail starts from the top of Suure-Munamäe and takes the runners through Rõuge, Otepää, Elva, Tartu, Palamuse, Porkun, Kill, Lehtse, Jäneda, Kõrvemaa, Raasiku, Saha, Piritale. Out of a total of 130 teams and 1,300 runners, our colleagues finished as the 19th team.
Sport Time was represented by Business Planning Analyst Jovan Knezevic, Regional IT Director Djordje Karolic, Accounting Associate Aleksa Strahinovic, Sales Assistant Mihajlo Nikolic, and Regional Business Project Manager Maja Benet.
Jovan Knezevic shared his impressions after completing the race and his first stay in Estonia.
“The Tipust Topini race and the stay in Estonia were an indescribably beautiful experience for all of us that we will remember for the rest of our lives. I once again realized how happy I am to work at Sport Time and collaborate with people who share my passion for sports and the Nike brand. I am sure I will go to this race again if given the opportunity,” said Jovan.